Sunday 12 January 2014

Everyday life.

So this is nothing short of amazing!

this weekend I

S P O K E  T O O : My sister (Sarah) and friend Cara

W A S  G I V E N : A sodastream maker and a bean bag.

A childhood dream of mine was fulfilled when I received that sodastream maker. #wantedonesinceiwasachild

looked through old Little Baby Garvin posts!

W E N T op-shopping, swimming and to the video store

W O W so totally cleaned up at the red cross! I got {yes I am going to list every item!} the following
A blender, lamp, rubbish bin, jewelry box, toasted sandwich maker, grater, gingerbread man shaped baking dish! {#excited!} books including the lovely bones {which I've never read and my flat mates have never seen OR heard of!?} a USA lonely planet {and it's not even from 1998} New York 'coffee table book' {this ones probably from 1988} a novel by Marian Keyes and some children's books, beanie, AHHH keyboard, aveeno cleanser, a few platter things and umm yeh I think that's all

W O R E : Seafolly

W A T C H E D : 'Jobs' {starring Ashton Kutcher} Kinda makes you believe anything is possible! Loved it! And 'What's eating Gilbert Grape'

T A U G H T : myself how to play 'Doe a deer' from the 'Sound of Music' on my new keyboard {best movie ever, no?}
M A D E : a lemon glaze cake! I pinned this ages ago and have made it a couple of times already and I love it! #mylemonlove and SODASTREAM of course!


L O V E S  H O W : My 6 year old niece Sienna loves to jump out at my sister  when she least expects it to scare her LOL

SO that was my weekend! Fun, productive and relaxing!

P.S. Oh and I also got coasters for the coffee table!

Wednesday 8 January 2014

1 / POPS of P I N K

I think it might be fair to say I'm in love with
{ addicted too } PINK lipstick!


I've found my signature shade!
{ / find my signature shade of lipstick / CHECK }


It's the one on the left

Any guesses as to the colour?

Friday 3 January 2014

FLAT favourites

I love Mexican food.

So much so that it is my dream to one day eat Mexican food in Mexico!

This year I want to try and reduce the amount of food I waste (which isn't intentionally a lot but inevitably kind of ends up being that way if you get me!?) Half packs of tacos and the remnants of jars of salsa normally find themselves in the bottom of the bin.

So last night I threw this little baby together...


(Excuse the state of the kitchen. I flat. With boys. Need I say more?)

Lets call it...


I cooked up some turkey mince and added a Mexican flavour sachet. Layered the mince with the salsa and broken tacos (twice) in a baking dish and topped with coriander and cheese! I baked it for around 20 mins at 180 degrees C and VOILĂ€! I ate mine with sour cream AND guacamole 

Did I just make up my own recipe or what!?

This is sure to become a firm flat fave and is a great way of using up the random bits and pieces lurking in the fridge so they don't end up in the bin!

And I even got to enjoy a beautiful sunset while I made it!

Happy Friday!

Thursday 2 January 2014

H I / 2 0 1 4

And so begins twenty fourteen! A beautiful shiny new year full of hope & possibility! It also marks the last year of my twenties {how did that happen!?}

I'm not normally a 'New Years Resolutioner'. I've made a few half hearted attempts in the past but always fallen off the wagon after a few weeks {ahem, or maybe even days}. 

But this year is a bit different!

I'm facing - 2 0 1 4 - from a much better place than I've faced new years in the past and it feels great!

I'm veering away from the 'Eat better / Exercise more' type resolutions I'm destined to fail and focusing on doing more of what I love to do. I want to read, bake, laugh and do some weight training and focus on being a better me. I hope to be patient, forgiving, kind and most importantly happy! 

- 2 0 1 3 - was hands down the hardest year of my life to date! But through the challenges and the pain I found incredible support from family and friends as well as a strength I didn't know I had.

I also discovered my passion which I hope to raise awareness about through this blog.

So, stay tuned!

P.S. ^This is my first ever blog post^ Wahooooo! Please excuse it's jumbled up nature, I hope to get better with practise.